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Как восстановить отсутствующий параметр «Запустить сценарий» в правиле Outlook?

Автор: Келли Последнее изменение: 2023 июля 12 г.

В некоторых версиях Outlook, особенно в последних обновлениях, опция «Запустить сценарий» может быть отключена по умолчанию в качестве меры безопасности. Чтобы активировать опцию «Запустить сценарий» в Outlook, позволяющую создавать правила с помощью сценариев VBA, вам обычно необходимо изменить определенные параметры реестра. Продолжите читать подробные инструкции о том, как это сделать.

Включить отсутствующую опцию «Запустить сценарий» в Outlook

Чтобы восстановить недостающее запустить сценарий в мастере правил Outlook, сначала убедитесь, что Outlook закрыт, а затем выполните следующие шаги:

  1. Нажмите Win + R , чтобы открыть Run диалоговое окно. В этом диалоговом окне введите regedit а затем нажмите OK .
  2. В выскакивании Контроль учетных записей диалоговое окно, щелкните Да .
  3. В Редактор реестра окне перейдите по указанному ниже пути, чтобы получить доступ к Безопасность установка: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 16.0 \ Outlook \ Security
  4. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на Безопасность ключ и выберите Новые > Параметр DWORD (32 бита).
  5. Назовите созданный DWORD как Енаблеунсафеклиентмаилрулес.
  6. Дважды щелкните по Енаблеунсафеклиентмаилрулес DWORD, чтобы открыть Изменить значение DWORD (32-бит) диалоговое окно. Тип 1 в Значение и нажмите OK.
  7. Перезапустите Microsoft Outlook.

Выполнив шаги, описанные выше, вы сможете найти и использовать опцию «запустить сценарий» при создании правил в Outlook.

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Comments (26)
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You switched from 32 bit to 64 bit without explanation. See "New > DWORD (32-BIT Value)" then after "6. In the Edit QWORD (64-BIT)". Which is it ? Or is it both?
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Sorry for the confusion. It should be the DWORD (32-bit) Value. And I've fixed it in the tutorial. 🙂
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You change from DWORD to QWORD at the end.
It should be DWORD
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Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I've made the necessary correction in the tutorial.
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Great! Thanks
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This worked for me in Outlook for Office 365. Once point to clarify, the instructions flip-flop between DWORD and QWORD, which are mutually exclusive. I used DWORD and it worked.
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I also didn't have a security folder. To get around the issue, I set a rule to forward all emails fitting a specific rule to IFTTT so I can use their automation instead. Won't work for everybody, and attachments get a long number added to them if saving to Dropbox.
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what applet did you use on IFTTT, or did you make your own?
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I set an email trigger, and set the action to be to save to Dropbox. However, I've since switched to Microsoft Flow for saving Gmail directly to Dropbox. My specific goal was to save Gmail attachments to Dropbox, and Flow worked best for that after IFTTT dropped support for reading emails from Gmail.
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I Don't Have a security folder after HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook
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It's because Microsoft has yet again changed something concerning this feature. Most likely, this registry key path has completely changed, or has been outright omitted. I have a Premier Support ticket open with MS currently to have them provide us the CORRECT registry setting for Office2016/2019 current monthly channel to bring the Run a Script in Rules Actions back. It is completely unacceptable for MS to continue to alter/omit features like this without clear & priority notification to clients. I understand the security risks behind using such a feature, but in certain scenarios, this still is used.
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By playing around I found the correct key:

So do not use HKEY_Current_User, instead use HKEY_USERS
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This doesn't seem to work for Outlook 2013. Is there a method that will work for this version? Also, your instructions reference DWORD and the images imply QWORD.
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For 2013 I used HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Security and DWORD EnableUnsafeClientMailRules with value 1.
Each version of office has its own folder in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\"

You also need to allow the macro to run in outlook 2013:

File -> Options -> Trust Centre -> Trust centre settings
-> Macro settings -> "Notifications for all macros"

This will ask you to allow the macro the first time the rule runs, but be careful not to allow any other unknown macros during day to day use. You could also use a digitally signed macro, and only allow digitally signed ones to run.

Then create your script, create a rule that runs it, and you should be set.
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Did not work for me.  I have Outlook 2013, but maybe now that Office 365 has overstepped this setting somehow.  I have the trust settings enabled to notify for all Macros.
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DWORD or QWORD? A bit confusing to understand which to use... Had to create DWORD to make it work. Thanks
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Do You have instructions how to enable this option also for outlook 2010?
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Thank You! It worked for me and as mentioned in one of the comments below, Step 6 was DWORD dialogue box for me.
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