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 Как найти значение соответствия vlookup из другого листа Google?

Автор: Сяоян Последнее изменение: 2017 июля 09 г.

Предположим, у вас есть следующие два файла таблицы Google, теперь вам нужно найти совпадающее значение в одном файле из другого, есть ли у вас какие-нибудь хорошие решения, чтобы завершить это?

Значение сопоставления Vlookup из другого листа Google с формулой

Значение сопоставления Vlookup из другого листа Google с формулой

Следующая формула может помочь вам извлечь совпадающие значения на основе одного ключевого столбца, сделайте следующее:

1. Введите эту формулу: =IFERROR(vlookup(A2,IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Plv5B3v3VfPtdWSJ4zFM6DKPY0MhcCxiYS0vYrxORHE/edit#gid=543140280","my data!A2:B12"),2,false),) в пустую ячейку, где вы хотите найти совпадающее значение.

Внимание: В приведенной выше формуле:

  • A2 это ячейка, в которой вы хотите найти соответствующее значение;
  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Plv5B3v3VfPtdWSJ4zFM6DKPY0MhcCxiYS0vYrxORHE/edit#gid=543140280 это адрес файла, с которого вы хотите выполнить просмотр;
  • мои данные! A2: B12: это имя листа и диапазон ячеек, в котором вы хотите выполнить поиск;
  • 2: указывает номер столбца, в котором возвращается совпадающее значение.

2, Затем нажмите Enter ключ, чтобы получить первый результат, см. снимок экрана:

3. Затем выберите ячейку формулы и перетащите дескриптор заполнения вниз к ячейкам, которые вы хотите извлечь соответствующее значение, как вам нужно, см. Снимок экрана:

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Comments (19)
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Importrange is working but there is an error "Did not find value " " in vlookup evaluation. I done everything but this error is being persist.
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As I look at the above examples in vlookup of two google sheets, I haven't seen the same as what I want my google sheet to be happen.

I have a "Form Responses", the most important for this sheet is the Mem_ID, Month and Amount.

In my other sheet "Sinking Fund 2023", in Members Contribution, I am creating the formula under "Jan1st, Jan2nd, etc." and to be looked up from Form Responses.

If MemID_2022-0001 has a response for Jan1st, the amount should be added in Jan1st column and if it is Jan2nd this should be automatic added in Sinking Fund 2023 google sheet.

Any one knows how to do the formula. This also needs the importrange function since we are using 2 google sheets.

Below are the links of my google sheet.

Deposit and Payments

Sinking Fund 2023

Thanks in advance
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Hello everyone,
Can anyone help me how pull date from another sheets using sheet name in cell reference ?

I have day wise data, sheet name are saved as dates from 1st - 31st Ex.01-05-2021

30 days sheets were there so if i want to lookup a value from any sheet am ending formula changing dates! to get values from sheets according to dates

Will that possible? can anyone help me please how to use sheet name in cell reference apply VLOOKUP IMPORTRANGE formula for another sheet

Thanks in advance
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Hi, I tried using the formulae, but my values are returned blank. I do have access to the files as I created two mock sheets to test my formulae.
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Hi, I fill in the same formulae, but my value is returned Blank?
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Esto es lo que necesito, pero entre tabs de un mismo documento.
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Thanks for this! However, this is only working on about half of my items. I have copied the text exactly as it appears and made sure the format type is the same as well. About half of my data is being found, while the other half is empty (due to the iferror formula). has anyone else found this or have a solution?
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You'll need to protect the range from changing on drag on the importrange.

=IFERROR(vlookup(A2,IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Plv5B3v3VfPtdWSJ4zFM6DKPY0MhcCxiYS0vYrxORHE/edit#gid=543140280","my data!$A$2:$B$12"),2,false),)

without that, as you drag down the formula it will automaticallyl adjust the range. The second-row cell will be A3:B13 next A4:B14 removing possible matching values from your range. You don't really need the $ in front of the column but I leave it in to freeze the exact column in case I move it around.
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Update for this answer, in my case the syntax should use semicolon instead of comma for working
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Can someone help please. I am getting #N/A as a result. I have even tried to put in the importrange formula in a blank cell but still no luck. I have also tried using the LINK SHARE url instead of the actual URL.

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Not working please help.
getting blank cell as result.
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Have you granted access for "importrange" part? If not, you need to put formula "=importrange("link, range") in a blank cell first. Then you will have a pop-up window asking you to grant the access. Now, the full formula should work.
I had exactly the same problem before and found this solution on another website. Hope it works. Good luck.
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Worked now, thanks
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After putting above formula i am getting value as blank and later "You don't have permissions to access that sheet".
- how do i resolve this?
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Thank you for the fix!
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Had the same problem and this solution worked for me too - super, thanks!!
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Thank you so much. It worked for me too!
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Wow, very nice of you to share the solution here... Thanx a lot
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This fixed it for me. Thank you so much! I was tinkering for hours.
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