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Как определить диапазон на основе другого значения ячейки в Excel?

Автор: Сан Последнее изменение: 2020 июля 06 г.

Для большинства пользователей Excel легко вычислить диапазон значений, но пробовали ли вы когда-нибудь вычислить диапазон значений на основе числа в определенной ячейке? Например, в столбце A есть столбец значений, и я хочу вычислить количество значений в столбце A на основе значения в B2, что означает, что если оно равно 4 в B2, я буду усреднять первые 4 значения в столбец A, как показано на скриншоте ниже. Теперь я представлю простую формулу для быстрого определения диапазона на основе другого значения ячейки в Excel.
doc определить диапазон по значению ячейки 1

Определить диапазон на основе значения ячейки

стрелка синий правый пузырь Определить диапазон на основе значения ячейки

Чтобы выполнить расчет диапазона на основе другого значения ячейки, вы можете использовать простую формулу.

Выберите пустую ячейку, в которую вы выведете результат, введите эту формулу = СРЕДНИЙ (A1: КОСВЕННО (СЦЕПИТЬ ("A"; B2))), и нажмите Enter ключ для получения результата.
doc определить диапазон по значению ячейки 2


1. В формуле A1 - это первая ячейка в столбце, который вы хотите вычислить, A - это столбец, для которого вы рассчитываете, B2 - это ячейка, на основе которой вы рассчитываете. Вы можете изменить эти ссылки по своему усмотрению.

2. Если вы хотите сделать резюме, вы можете использовать эту формулу = СУММ (A1: КОСВЕННО (СЦЕПИТЬ ("A"; B2))).

3. Если первые данные, которые вы хотите определить, не находятся в первой строке Excel, например, в ячейке A2, вы можете использовать следующую формулу: = СРЕДНИЙ (A2: КОСВЕННЫЙ (СЦЕПИТЬ ("A"; СТРОКА (A2) + B2-1))).
doc определить диапазон по значению ячейки 2

Быстрый подсчет / суммирование ячеек по цвету фона или формата в Excel

В некоторых случаях у вас может быть диапазон ячеек с несколькими цветами, и вы хотите подсчитывать / суммировать значения на основе одного цвета, как вы можете быстро вычислить?
Доступно Kutools for Excel's Считать по цвету, вы можете быстро выполнить множество вычислений по цвету, а также можете сформировать отчет о рассчитанном результате.  Нажмите, чтобы получить бесплатную полнофункциональную пробную версию через 30 дней!
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But If I want to sum a column range(say l7:l7800) out of the range d7:ct9000 based on the condition in column a(a7:a9000) and column b(b7:b9000). How will I do it. Please advise
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Is there a way to create a dynamic ranged view, that will isolate all orders from a specific client within a list of clients? I have looked at multiple videos and none actually do what I need it to do. Is there a way to do this or would I need to pull the needed info into a controlled table and use the information from that table?
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Hi, CareTaker. I do not get your question clearly. Could you describe your question or upload a file to show the quetion in details? But I recomend a utility called Data Association for you, maybe can help you, go to this web for details: https://www.extendoffice.com/product/kutools-for-excel/excel-click-cell-to-filter-based-on-another-workbook.html.
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Thank you for the response, its quite the complicated thing to explain but I did manage to come right in the end using the indexing formula with the match formula as well.   =INDEX($B:$B;MATCH($C$2;$B:$B;0);):INDEX($N:$N;MATCH($C$2;$B:$B;0)+$C$3-1;)   at first it was confusing but I'm good now 
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how do I update sum range by using helper cell...For example: if initial sum range is = C1 to M1, how to do change sum range if new data is up to AB1 using a helper cell, instead of changing the formula manually?
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What if the rage is not column, but a row?
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That's a bit trickier as I just found out. You need to use a combination of the CHAR function to convert a number to a letter, CONCAT to piece together a letter and number comprising a cell address, and the INDIRECT function to recognize strings as cell addresses.

In my example, I wrote the following expression:


Row() is the current row
$B$31 is the cell where the # of columns to count is stored
5 is the offset for the first column to be counted

if you need to go beyond column Z, you’d need a less intuitive variant on that expression using the ADDRESS function:


4 indicates a relative reference
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Hi quick question. My formula =SUMIFS(DATA!$D$5:$D$13914,DATA!$E$5:INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("$E$",C3)),"<"&"1/1/2016") has a range that is from another tab called "DATA." I keep getting #VALUE! errors for this formula. Any suggestions? thanks!
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Earlier I posted: Great formula but why does it only work when referring to the first cell. In other words, if you move the whole range down and the first cell in the range is A5 instead of A1, the formula ceases to work.
After playing with it, I figured out why the formula is not working when the starting row is not row 1. Excel interprets this as the range being A1 thru A4. If you are starting with a different row than row 1, here is how to modify the formula assuming the range now starts with A5:=MAX(A5:INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("A",ROW(A5)+B2)))
This works because the concatenation sees the row reference as fixed in the first example, but it becomes relative in the second example. Hope that helps!
Jared - You can just subtract 4 instead of adding. =MAX(A5:INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("A",ROW(A5)-B2))) [Assuming you have 4 in cell B2, or you could just leave the formula as is and put -4 in cell B2.]
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Hi,cathy, thanks for your supplement, I have test your formula, I think the correct formula may be =MAX(A5:INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("A",ROW(A5)+B2-1))). I have update the tutorual. Thanks again.
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Great formula but why does it only work when referring to the first cell. In other words, if you move the whole range down and the first cell in the range is A6 instead of A1, the formula ceases to work. That seems strange.
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What if I want to count upward from a cell rather than downward? In the above example, the formula starts with A1 and goes downward. Let's say I want a range of 4 cells, beginning with Cell A10 and going to A6. Thank you!
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Jared - See my most recent post for how to solve this.
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I'm having this upward problem also but unable to see your other post for the solution. Can you give me link of the post please? Many thanks!
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Hi, here is a formula may help you to calcualte upward.
A:A is the column that you want to calcualte the average values, B1 is the cell that define the range in column A to calculate.
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Thanks, but may I know why need to use "-B1+1" please?
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Hi, Let me take a detailed example to explain it for you. There are 10 rows in column A, I want to get the last 2 values' average, in other words, average the values in row 9 and row 10. Now B1 contains 2, =COUNT(A:A)-B1+1 will get the result 9, COUNT(A:A) will get the result 10 (the last row of the column A). Now combine other functions to averaget the values in row 9 and row 10. Hope this can help you.
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Can I use this syntax while referring to a different sheet?
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If you want to sum referring to a Different Shet In CONCATENATE formula write [ SHEET NAME+COLUMN+ROW]
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Hi, Thank you so much for your help, but I have a small problem that is I don't have just one column but several ones (about 100 columns) is there a way to change the formula to accommodate the change in columns so O can get the sum for Columns A B C and so on. thanks for your help
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Thank u for your message. If you want to sum first n values across multiple continuous columns, just change A to the last column you ues. EG, sum first 5 values across column A to column D, apply this formula =SUM(A1:INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("D",F2))).
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