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Как рассчитать часы между часами после полуночи в Excel?

Автор: Сяоян Последнее изменение: 2020 июля 05 г.
док вычислить время после ночи 1

Предположим, у вас есть расписание для записи вашего рабочего времени, время в столбце A - это время начала сегодняшнего дня, а время в столбце B - время окончания следующего дня. Обычно, если вы вычисляете разницу во времени между двумя временами прямо минус "= B2-A2", он не будет отображать правильный результат, как показано на скриншоте слева. Как правильно рассчитать часы между двумя временами после полуночи в Excel?

Вычислить часы между двумя часами ночи после полуночи по формуле

стрелка синий правый пузырь Вычислить часы между двумя часами ночи после полуночи по формуле

Чтобы получить правильный результат расчета между двумя временами за полночь, вы можете применить следующую формулу:

1. Введите эту формулу: =(B2-A2+(B2<A2))*24 (A2 это более раннее время, B2 это более позднее время, вы можете изменить их по мере необходимости) в пустую ячейку, которая рядом с вашими данными времени, см. снимок экрана:

док вычислить время после ночи 2

2. Затем перетащите дескриптор заполнения в ячейки, которые вы хотите заполнить этой формулой, и сразу вычислите разницу во времени между двумя моментами после полуночи, см. Снимок экрана:

док вычислить время после ночи 3

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Hi All,

So I have a list of employees, all their working dates with start and end time & date.

I need to figure out how many hours were spent after midnight- night hours. The issue is that there are all sort of starting and finish times- some of the shifts were day shift the others started at 9pm till 2am, others started 10pm till next morning 5 am, etc.

Is there a way of calculating this using a generic formula for all lines?

I have tried so many variations but excel does not want to collaborate!
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Hello, Timea,
In fact, the formula in this article can solve your problem, see below screenshot:
Please have a try, thank you!
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Thank you for your reply.

I only want to know the hours worked after midnight, so only the night hours.
Not total hours worked.
Hope this makes sense.
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Hello, Timea
If you just need to get the hours worked after midnight, the below formula may help you:
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Very clever, using the comparison (b2<a2) to return a boolean result so if it's after midnight it adds 1.  It took me a minute to understand what you did it was so elegant. 
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You are welcome. Glad it helps. Any questions, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day.
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This doesn't work with all data. The solution I tried after trying the above was =IF(B22>C22,(C22-0)+(24-B22),C22-B22)
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=IF(B22>C22,(C22-0)+(24-B22),C22-B22) is perfect but instead of ( , ) use ( ; )
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Doesn't work for me... Formula incorrect.
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Great solution, very useful! Thanks :)
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Hi, i need help please. I have data that auto loads daily at 5pm. The process is broken into 2 parts (ETL1 and ETL2). ETL1 starts at 5pm till 11pm and ETL2 starts at 11 till 4 am. at 7 am i run a script to check if everything ran. each row has a start and end date time. i would like to flag all data after 5pm yesterday as todays data. Currently when i filter on today, i only see the rows where the date is after 00:00
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Can someone explain when the function of addition of the TRUE/FALSE values does so I can understand the formula please?
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True = 1, False = 0
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I think a simple MOD(B2-A2,1) should be enough?
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This is undoubtedly the best and shortest solution.
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Austin, the formula stated in the article above works well for me
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The formula under bullet point #1 is wrong. =(B2-A2+(B2<A2))*24, but is should read as =B2-A2+(B2<A2)*24.

The parentheses are in the wrong spot.
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THANK YOU! This is definitely the correct formula.
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Yes Austin! Your formula works, the other formula renders nonsense (in my case). Thanks!!
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No, Austin's correction works for me. The original with the parentheses where they are shown does not work. Maybe a diifferent version of Excel makes a difference? I am on MS Home and Office 2016
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The original formula works better than your suggestion Austin.
I also used =(A2-B2+(A2<B2))*1440
This worked best to convert time into minutes.
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Depois de colocar a formatação ao tentar somar a coluna total de horas o valor dá-me errado.

O campo é formatado [h]mm
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=(A2-B2+(A2)) sem utilizar a multiplicação por 24
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