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Как скрыть или отобразить конкретный лист на основе значения ячейки на другом листе?

Автор: Сяоян Последнее изменение: 2022 июля 07 г.

Есть ли у нас какие-либо способы скрыть или отобразить конкретную вкладку рабочего листа на основе содержимого ячейки на другом листе? Например, когда я ввожу текст «Да» в ячейку G1 листа Sheet2, я хочу, чтобы Sheet1 был скрыт, а когда я ввожу «Нет», Sheet1 должен отображаться сразу. Как я мог решить эту проблему в Excel?

Скрыть или отобразить конкретную вкладку рабочего листа на основе значения ячейки с кодом VBA

стрелка синий правый пузырь Скрыть или отобразить конкретную вкладку рабочего листа на основе значения ячейки с кодом VBA

Чтобы скрыть или отобразить конкретную вкладку рабочего листа на основе значения ячейки на другом листе, следующий код VBA может оказать вам услугу, пожалуйста, сделайте следующее:

1. Перейдите на рабочий лист, содержащий значение ячейки, на основе которого вы хотите скрыть другой лист.

2. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши вкладку листа и выберите Просмотреть код, в выскочившем Microsoft Visual Basic для приложений окна, скопируйте и вставьте следующий код в пустое окно модуля, см. снимок экрана:

Код VBA: скрыть или скрыть вкладку рабочего листа на основе значения ячейки:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [G1] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
End If
End Sub

doc скрыть вкладку на основе значения ячейки 1

Примечание: В приведенном выше коде G1 и Да - это ячейка и содержимое ячейки, на котором вы хотите основываться, и Sheet1 - это конкретный лист, который вы хотите скрыть или показать. Вы можете изменить их по своему усмотрению.

3. Затем сохраните и закройте этот код, когда вы вводите «Нет» или другой текст в ячейку G1, Sheet1 скрывается, но если вы вводите «Да» в ячейку, Sheet1 отображается сразу, см. Снимки экрана:

doc скрыть вкладку на основе значения ячейки 2
doc скрыть вкладку на основе значения ячейки 3


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Вкладка Office: интерфейс с вкладками в Office и упрощение работы

  • Включение редактирования и чтения с вкладками в Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Издатель, доступ, Visio и проект.
  • Открывайте и создавайте несколько документов на новых вкладках одного окна, а не в новых окнах.
  • Повышает вашу продуктивность на 50% и сокращает количество щелчков мышью на сотни каждый день!


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I am trying to use this but it is coming up with "compile error - can't find project or library" and highlighting the cell where the Yes/No dropdown is situated. I think it may be due to this being a merged cell, is there any way around this?
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I'm having an issue where I want the tab to show for a range of values, rather than just a YES or NO. When I try to repeat the IF statement in the sub, it gives me an error and when I try to list multiple values in the if statement, I get an error. Any ideas?

It almost seems like I need to use an IF/OR statement but not sure how that would work.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [K6] = "VS 1", "VS 2", "VS 3", VS 4" Then
Sheets("Page6").Visible = True
Sheets("Page6").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
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Hello, Margaret,
To solve your problem, please apply the below code, you should use Or to join the conditions.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [K6] = "VS 1" Or [K6] = "VS 2" Or [K6] = "VS 3" Or [K6] = "VS 4" Then
Sheets("Page6").Visible = True
Sheets("Page6").Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Skyyang - this worked perfectly. Thank you for your prompt response!
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I have a value in Cell B1 that if yes unhides sheet1 but also a value in B2 that's if yes unhides Sheet2 etc etc.. it hides/unhides the last sheet fine but not the rest, how would i go about having say 10 values unhiding 10 different sheets? thanks
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Hello, Andy,
To solve your problem, please apply the below code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [B2] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
End If
If [B3] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet2").Visible = False
End If
If [B4] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet3").Visible = False
End If
If [B5] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet4").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet4").Visible = False
End If
If [B6] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet5").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet5").Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Note: In the above code, you just need to copy the below scripts several times and change the cell reference and sheet name to your own.
If [B2] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = True
Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
End If

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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This code works great, However I have 42 variables for 70 sheets so this code gets very long and stops working. Is there a way to make this code in sections as to not exceed the code size that VBA can handle? Or do I have to divide these into two separate excels?
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Hello, Liz
Sorry, at present, there is not a good way for resolving your problem.
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А я вот не могу понять, как такое сделать в гугл таблицах именно?
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Hello friend,

You can open a new Google sheet, add a new sheet so that there is a "Sheet1" and a "Sheet2" then go to Tools > Script Editor. In the editor, paste the following.

function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var sheet2 = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2");

var cell1 = sheet1.getRange('B2');

if (cell1.getValue() == 2) {

if (cell1.getValue() == 3) {

Please have a try.

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I want to have a Menu/Table of Contents as my first worksheet and based on Yes/No answers - certain worksheets appear i.e. more than 1 becomes visible.
I'm struggling to have several worksheets appear based on the above code.
Can I use an AND function e.g. If X cell = "Yes" Then Make Y Sheet visible and Z Sheet and K Sheet?
Any advice greatly welcomed.
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I am looking to hide or unhide sheets based on a cell value (Yes/No). The values are in a table (tblFileContents) and column D4:D25 and the sheet name is in A4:A25 on sheet <File Content>. The order of the items can be changed. Do you have a reference to an example that would allow me to do this?
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I have the same issue and someone else provided a solution.
Make a table (format as table) with 2 columns, name the left column Sheets to show/hide, the right column is up  to you.Put all sheet names in left column
Then select View Code for this tab and enter Dim Changed As Range, c As Range, rMTS As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim bShowAll As Boolean

Set rMTS = Range("TblShowHide[Mark to Show]")
Set Changed = Intersect(Target, rMTS)
If Not Changed Is Nothing Then
bShowAll = Len(rMTS.Cells(1).Value) > 0
On Error Resume Next
For i = 2 To rMTS.Rows.Count
Sheets(Range("TblShowHide[Show/Hide Sheets]").Cells(i).Value).Visible = IIf(bShowAll, True, Len(rMTS.Cells(i).Value) > 0)
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub

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I will give this a try. Thank you very much!
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Not sure what I need to change but it didn't work for me.
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Hi Jean,
yes I have an example I attached here. Rename the file to example.xlsm (it is not zipped, but had to rename to upload)
On the menu tab there is a table with the various tab names, make an x or any other character to show the tab, if you remove the character, the tab hides.
Hope that helps
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This contains several items but no excel file.
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HiI have a workbook with multiple named tabs linked to an index sheet at the front. The user can select the sheets they want to use by checking a box next to the sheet name - blank, N/A or Yes (dropdown list). Is there a way of adapting this code so that the sheet is visible if the check box is blank or contains "Yes" but not visible if the checkbox contains "N/A".
I have tried but do not know enough about VBA to make it work. Thanks
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I did 2 worksheets as follows:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [C20] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("sheet1").Visible = True
Sheets("sheet1").Visible = False
End If
If [C22] = "Yes" Then
Sheets("sheet2").Visible = True
Sheets("sheet2").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
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Hi Team,

I need similar code I have table range B10 : G40 where in in Column B11 I have sheets name and Column C11:G40 I have data validations as Yes /No. I need code to hide or visible sheets as per columns B if Its YES in Column C:G. Please help.

IFRS 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IFRS 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IFRS 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IFRS 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IFRS 6 No No No No No
IFRS 7 Yes Yes No Yes Yes
IFRS 13 No Yes No Yes Yes
IFRS 14 No No No No No
IFRS 15 Yes No No No No
IFRS 16 Yes No Yes No No
IAS 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 2 No No Yes No No
IAS 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 12 No No No No No
IAS 16 No No No No No
IAS 19 No No No No No
IAS 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 21 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 23 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 24 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 27 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 29 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 32 No No No Yes Yes
IAS 34 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IAS 36 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
IAS 38 Yes No No Yes No
IAS 40 Yes No Yes Yes No
IAS 41 No No No No No
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I want to see if you can help with my issue. I've had essentially this exact code in a sheet I use but with an or function so the answer can be "yes" or "true". However, the sheet that is being hidden/unhidden sometimes re-hides itself for unknown reasons. It will unhide when I type yes, but when I go to use it later on it is hidden again, even though the cell value is still yes. Any idea why this might be happening, and/or how to fix it?
Code for reference:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)'Hides/unhides Calibration page
If [B18] = "Yes" Or Target.Value = "True" Then
Sheets("XXX Verification").Visible = True
Sheets("XXX Verification").Visible = False
End If

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Very helpful!
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Thank you for the tip. I need to do the same scenario but not on one cell only (G1 in this case) but on all cells of column G. I have tried with "Range" but it didn't work.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("X2:X100") = "" Then
Sheets("EU TASK BASED MEASUREMENTS").Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Thank you in advance
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Any chance this was answered? I am also running into this scenario where a whole range comes into play instead of just one cell... I used this same coding with the same results.
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